Tuesday, April 21, 2009

False Alarm and borrowed breastmilk.

So last night we got home pretty late after going to the Cloth diapering store (a Baby connection) and Alena had already fallen asleep in the car so we brought her in, got her dressed for bed and laid her down in her crib without doing anything else since she was so tired and has not been sleeping well lately. She woke up about 11 pm and was sooo hot to the touch and couldn't breath through her nose. We thought oh boy... she's got a cold seeing as George (husband) just got over a cold. We tried so hard to get her to not catch his cold aka limited touching and holding, no kissing, and tons of sanitizer. We thought we had it good seeing as I didnt even get the cold. So we gave her her allergy medicine (that we had forgotten to give her before we put her down for bed) and gave her some ibprofen. She slept till morning and she's fine now so we think its just that she had insane allergies (like mommy) since we didnt give her her allergy medicine.

On another note

Our friend Jamie is breastfeeding and was so generous as to let us have some breastmilk for Alena to have before her surgery (about a week before up till the surgery) and perhaps right after the surgery to help boost her immune system so she'd recover faster from the surgery. I'm so thankful to have friends like Jamie. The unfortunate thing is getting a toddler to drink the milk! She almost likes it, she switches between liking it and gulping it down and not wanting it at all after the first sip. So far we have gotten 18 oz down her little gullet since saturday so thats a start. My goal for today is to get two servings since she didnt have any yesterday.

I'm also packing for her surgery on friday, and goodness I feel like we are going on vacation except I dont feel excited.

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