Tuesday, April 21, 2009

False Alarm and borrowed breastmilk.

So last night we got home pretty late after going to the Cloth diapering store (a Baby connection) and Alena had already fallen asleep in the car so we brought her in, got her dressed for bed and laid her down in her crib without doing anything else since she was so tired and has not been sleeping well lately. She woke up about 11 pm and was sooo hot to the touch and couldn't breath through her nose. We thought oh boy... she's got a cold seeing as George (husband) just got over a cold. We tried so hard to get her to not catch his cold aka limited touching and holding, no kissing, and tons of sanitizer. We thought we had it good seeing as I didnt even get the cold. So we gave her her allergy medicine (that we had forgotten to give her before we put her down for bed) and gave her some ibprofen. She slept till morning and she's fine now so we think its just that she had insane allergies (like mommy) since we didnt give her her allergy medicine.

On another note

Our friend Jamie is breastfeeding and was so generous as to let us have some breastmilk for Alena to have before her surgery (about a week before up till the surgery) and perhaps right after the surgery to help boost her immune system so she'd recover faster from the surgery. I'm so thankful to have friends like Jamie. The unfortunate thing is getting a toddler to drink the milk! She almost likes it, she switches between liking it and gulping it down and not wanting it at all after the first sip. So far we have gotten 18 oz down her little gullet since saturday so thats a start. My goal for today is to get two servings since she didnt have any yesterday.

I'm also packing for her surgery on friday, and goodness I feel like we are going on vacation except I dont feel excited.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Thought i'd share a few pictures of alena lately. The first is of her trying to help me clean. The second picture is of her making a huge mess in the living room. The third picture is of her black eye she got a few weeks ago.


Thursday, April 16, 2009

Getting ready

So surgery is on the 24th which is next friday, and tomarrow makes one week till D day. I have so much to do that i'm almost bogged down by it all. I need to get my house clean in specific my kitchen so that nothing goes "bad" by the time we get home. I've finally made my list of stuff we need to pack but i'm sure its far from completed. I need to do some shopping for me and alena, we both need socks n stuff. I'm waiting for a few things to come in the mail as well and i hope they get here on time for the surgery.

Alena's physical therapist said that her feet are turning in worse then before so we have to make sure we keep shoes on her 90% of the time so that her feet have hte support for her to walk properly and not mess up her legs or hips.

Saturday, April 4, 2009


I hate that word.... overtime means my husband has to go into work on saturdays, it means my sanity time is gone for the day it.

Today alena isnt being too awful just her normal messy self. I wish she could focus on one thing to do for a while and just stick with it, like play with her toys for more then five seconds each...

Friday, April 3, 2009

Cleaning with a toddler

Cleaning with a toddler is next to impossible. Seriously the moment i put a toy away its like it clicks in her head "hey that looks like fun to play with" and she dumps the whole toy box or whatever to find that one toy. I've been trying to clean the living room which should have only taken me about an hour... and yet its taking me all morning and i'm only about half done... GAH!!!

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Alena's heart surgery, preschool and other things

Alena has heart surgery coming up on the 24th of april, i'm not sure how i feel about this. I think she needs the surgery but i've never been given much of an option with any of her other surgeries. We also had her "transition meeting" with the local public preschool for special needs, it went ok there are a few things i dont like about it but i can overcome those. She'll also be going to a private preschool so that should be fun to coordinate. I said something to my hubby yesterday and i think it was really true... sometimes i feel like a personal assistant. i guess its just another title for mommy.

My first post

Ok so background on me and my family. I'm 21 years old and my husband is 39, odd i know but it works for us. We have a two and a half year old daughter who has Down syndrome and a heart condition called Tetralogy of Fallot with a few other tag on heart conditions and lots of her own "issues". I like fishtanks crocheting music and of course learning to mother my child.